Year count ++

Now I can add one more year to my life experience. Every year I do make some mistakes and learn new things from that, last year was not an exception, and pretty sure that the coming year will also be. And we all know that,

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

– Albert Einstein

Every year in the end, I read my diary and come up with new ideas to improve the way I do certain things in my life. At times some things work out, and else don’t. Even then it’s interesting to make new year resolutions, which is my favourite part. The first thing I do every year is to publish my new year resolutions and my friends get irritated after reading that ;). After reading, their first comment will be, you are not gonna do it then why? Just try it, it’s fun and also people who make resolutions know who they are, what they want, and how can they achieve it. That realisation is also a great thing, believe me, most of the people don’t know who they are, what they miss in their life and how they spent their time. It is wonderful if you can write new year resolutions and better if you follow it :).

Till some years before, I believed that things we dream can come true by magic. But realised later that it was actually the outcome of the work that we did, and this misconception existed because of the lack of understanding of what we did and for what. If we have a clear picture of it, we can make better plans and achieve higher goals.

A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.

– Colin Powell

Even though we can take a decision to start something new any time, it is a belief that when we start it in the beginning of the year it will continue forever(my belief :P). My new year resolutions – 2015 are as follows: 🙂

To be independent –

resolution* Wake up early without any external help

* Learn cooking

For my ambition –

* Physical training to increase stamina

* Learn swimming

* Work out the previous years AFCAT question papers

For pleasure –

* Find some time for playing badminton

* Go deep into the organisation I have selected and do contributions

* Give some time for the academics everyday

Hope everyone is ready with their New year resolution(s). Have a great time ahead 😉

Wishing everyone Happy New Year