Student Social Responsibility (SSR) Project

In our University, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, all the Semester 5 students has to do a SSR project to earn 1 credit. My group consisted of 6 active members 😉 Aishwarya², Amrutha, Anjana, Athira and I. As part of our SSR project we thought of helping a government school’s students in overall enrichment. The topic of our project was “Together towards a better future”. The project comprised of three phases:

Our team, All set

1) Nirbhaya: A session for the awareness on woman safety. A trainer was arranged for taking self defence class for girls. This was done to increase the confidence, courage and concentration inorder to make them bold.

2) Swasth: To play with the nature, with our hands on soil, worms, seeds and saplings, a classic session on organic gardening. Nature being an important factor in this world, without its involvement everything is incomplete.

3) Aastha: Introducing the students to the computer world, adding a little bit of technical stuff to the social division. The pros and cons of the social networking sites were also discussed with the students.

How we did it? Will write it soon…;)

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